Pogue: iPhone Software 2.0 is going to be a huge, gigantic success


ニューヨークタイムズの David Pogue。iPhone Software 2.0 は大成功を収めるだろうと・・・

New York Times Blog | Hello BlackBerry, Meet the iPhone

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I can’t tell you how huge this [iPhone 2.0] is going to be. There will be thousands of iPhone programs, covering every possible interest. The iPhone will be valuable for far more than simple communications tasks; it will be the first widespread pocket desktop computer. You’re witnessing the birth of a third major computer platform: Windows, Mac OS X, iPhone.

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The release of iPhone 2.0 is over three months away, but I’ll stick my neck out and make a prediction: it will be a gigantic success, spreading the iPhone’s popularity both upward, into the corporate market, and downward, into the hands of the masses. iPhone 2.0 will turn this phone into an engineering tool, a game console, a free-calls Skype phone, a business tool, a dating service, an e-book reader, a chat room, a database, an Etch-a-Sketch…and that’s on Day One.

In short, it’s not going to be a pleasant summer for people who are sick of hearing about the iPhone.

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