アップルの CM に登場した Kevin Costner

Kevin Costner-1

YouTube | Kevin Costner in Apple ad

マッキントッシュの伝説的な 1984 年のコマーシャルより前に、Kevin Costner Lisa のコマーシャルに登場している。

ヒップな Mac ユーザー以前に、クールなビジネスマンという視点があったことがおもしろい。

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I’m not sure how many Lisas Apple sold, but it wasn’t a success, though its place in computer history is legendary. The ad stars Kevin Costner, long before his big screen success in movies like The Untouchables, Bull Durham, and Field of Dreams.


He plays a cool business guy who bikes to work at his leisure, trusty dog companion by his side. He gets to his nice office and turns on the Lisa and then gets a phone call from his wife (I’m assuming), and he tells her he’ll be home for breakfast. I’m not sure if this is supposed to mean he biked to work early in the morning before she got up or he’s been out all night “inputing” “data” into “Lisa,” if you know what I mean.  [Bob Sassone]

TV Squad | Kevin Costner rides a bike and works on an Apple computer
MacDailyNews | Blast from the Past: Kevin Costner’s 1983 Apple Lisa ad (with video)

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