
Obama and Mother | Time Magazine Cover

次期大統領 Barack Obama の母親について書かれたすばらしい文章がある。

今年の春に書かれた TIME の記事だが、Obama が次期大統領に選出された今読むと、改めて感慨深いものがある。

TIME: “The Story of Barack Obama’s Mother” by Amanda Ripley: 09 April 2008


Long Tail World: “オバマの母アン・ダナムの物語-Part 1The Story of Barack Obama’s Mother – TIME“: 23 November 2008
Long Tail World: “オバマの母アン・ダナムの物語-Part 2The Story of Barack Obama’s Mother – TIME“: 23 November 2008
Long Tail World: “オバマの母アン・ダナムの物語-Part 3The Story of Barack Obama’s Mother – TIME“: 23 November 2008


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スタンレイ・アン・ソエトロ(S. Ann Soetoro/アン・ダナム)


スタンレイ・アン・ソエトロ(S. Ann Soetoro/アン・ダナム)は10代で出産し、文化人類学で博士号を取得した。中西部出身の白人女性で、故郷よりインドネシアの暮らしが性に合っていた。母親になるために生まれたような女でありながら仕事中毒。恋愛では現実主義者だった(そんなことが可能なら)。

Each of us lives a life of contradictory truths. We are not one thing or another. Barack Obama’s mother was at least a dozen things. S. Ann Soetoro was a teen mother who later got a Ph.D. in anthropology; a white woman from the Midwest who was more comfortable in Indonesia; a natural-born mother obsessed with her work; a romantic pragmatist, if such a thing is possible.

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Barack Obama High School Graduation with Sister Maya



She fell in love—twice—with fellow students from distant countries she knew nothing about. Both marriages failed, and she leaned on her parents and friends to help raise her two children.

「よく泣く人でした」と、(オバマと異父妹の)娘マヤ・ソエトロ-ン(Maya Soetoro-Ng)さんは振り返る。「ニュースや悲しい映画で酷い扱いを受けている動物とか子どもを見ては泣き、話し相手に自分のことが分かってもらえないと言っては泣きました」。それでいながら彼女は怖いもの知らずだった。

“She cried a lot,” says her daughter Maya Soetoro-Ng, “if she saw animals being treated cruelly or children in the news or a sad movie—or if she felt like she wasn’t being understood in a conversation.” And yet she was fearless, says Soetoro-Ng.

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“She was no Pollyanna. There have certainly been moments when she complained to us,” says her daughter Soetoro-Ng. “But she was not someone who would take the detritus of those divorces and make judgments about men in general or love or allow herself to grow pessimistic.” With each failed marriage, Ann gained a child and, in one case, a country as well.

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今の時代ならアンのような人もそれほど珍しくはない。混血の子どもを抱えながらキャリアを追求するシングルマザー。 彼女が先鞭をつけたものは、ある意味、アメリカがこれから辿る未来図そのものだった。が、アンはただ黙々とそれを実践していたのだと、友人たちは言う。「ステレオタイプに収まる人では全然なかったですね」と振り返るのはアンと親交のあった環境社会学者Nancy Pelusoさん。「でも、それを殊更に騒ぎ立てる人でも、なかったんです」

Today Ann would not be so unusual in the U.S. A single mother of biracial children pursuing a career, she foreshadowed, in some ways, what more of America would look like. But she did so without comment, her friends say. “She wasn’t stereotypical at all,” says Nancy Peluso, a friend and an environmental sociologist. “But she didn’t make a big deal out of it.”

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Barack Obama and his mother | Jim Cole / Maxine Boxer



Obama has said his biggest mistake was not being at his mother’s side when she died. He went to Hawaii to help the family scatter the ashes over the Pacific. And he carries on her spirit in his campaign. “When Barack smiles,” says Peluso, “there’s just a certain Ann look. He lights up in a particular way that she did.”

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After Ann’s death, her daughter dug through her artifacts, searching for Ann’s story. “She always did want to write a memoir,” Soetoro-Ng says. Finally, she discovered the start of a life story, but it was less than two pages. She never found anything more. Maybe Ann had run out of time, or maybe the chemotherapy had worn her out. “I don’t know. Maybe she felt overwhelmed,” says Soetoro-Ng, “because there was so much to tell.”

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心に沁みる記事を書いた Amanda Ripley と、それをすばらしい日本語訳にしてくださった市村佐登美さんに感謝!

原文を読む:Original Text | Amanda Ripley
原文を読む:Original Text | 市村佐登美

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